Welcome into our Hearts, With Sacred Pipe Songs

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan) your Twin Deer Mother has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven and we flood with a sound, the music of Angels that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are a part of God, the echo that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow."

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings, Elders Pipe Songs!

Song for the Pipe

Prayer to Heaven and Earth, the Nine Sacred Directions each time we bless water's dark and fire's light, included in the Pipe. Let the green grass smoke!

To the East and the West. To the North and the South. To the Up and the Down. To the Sacred All Around. To the Heartbeat (in) and the Breath (out), I gift all my sacredness. I receive my life for thee. Forever in the breeze!

When the pipe comes in your heart and knows where Mother is then we will fly to the heavens and see where God begins, so reach in your heart and find the way, just reach in your heart and sing. Speak all the ones who a
re elder and true, find their way, find their heart that is blue, when we know the song of all the waters that are pure, and the song of all the breathers that flow. And when smoke that arises from Mother bosom's heart, bless the sacred space that always knows the way. Sow heaven when we mistake each other, when we don't know our sacred way, let us help to receive our brothers and our sisters who are pure. Let them know that each other is only, if you both walk on, inside your heart is where we sang upon the road, let us remember this heart we stand, let us remember this one we make our way. Let us remember God 's mighty hand and the sacred way of the fire pure, of the sacred way of the blue that's pure, of the tears that flow for our bounty knows the way.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Holiness Peace Prayer Song for the Pipe

Divine Imagination and Love

HolinessPeacePrayer Song for the Pipe! (Part One end 19:16 minutes)

With each Step I breath (1, flight), my heart (2, center) knows the way. Take my breath away. Feel the wind, on my face. Fill the pipe (purify and unify the soul and flesh) with our heart's, bringing Heaven home. To the east (3) and the west (4), and the north (5) and the south (6), I receive my life for free, to the up (7) and down (8), to the sacred all around (9), I gift my song to thee. (Number of directions of God as the Heart's Spirit knows, as spoken by the Native American, the star story keeper. Truth of all directions shall come from the Sons of Israel, the mathematical perfection, the star story! Are you a Sun of Israel, then come receive the laws of heaven and teach all your family?) I am standing here brave, to weather your fears, walking the sacred way. High up in the sky where my freedom relies, breathes heat from the sun. Dreaming rainbows that fly, love's ring never dies, stepping to the drum. Lift earth upto the sun, our tears climb (up all) the rungs, feel the smoke purify. To the East and the West, and the North and the South, I live for liberty, receive my life for free. To the Up and Down, to the sacred all Around, I gift my life to thee, forever to be free, forever to be free, the true of you and me.

My tears know the way, the wind blows across my face, and my heart it bellows and flows toward you all. What would I do If I did not know you, I would be all alone and not free and my freedom relies on loving all of you and everyone including you guys, the women will bring you home you will see, just be in all of your dreams.

We have gifts of smoke that cleanses our hearts, all we have to do is run eternally, we climb the bright lights of the rainbow that know, for golden pots wait for us to explode. (At the end of a Rainbow there sits a pot of gold. When this explodes it will be Golden, the time of Brotherhood when there shall be abundance to all humanity.) And golden rays will shed upon the land everywhere and earth will be above us and heaven below and we shall be the bright lights of stars that purify thee and we shall be the eternal ring of love that arise dreaming in me. I arrive in the sky where my freedom flys, an eternal ring of love sets me free. I'm bringing heaven and earth come home, marry me, and I will step easy and breathe. My heart knows the way when I feel the wind on my face, when I fill the pipe with all my dreams. And I'm bringing heaven home just fill the pipe with my heart. And I purify my songs to be free. I come home today I know joy in liberty and my songs whisper in the smoke when I know pureness loving thee. For you my children I sing it well. For you my ancestors I sing it loud. And Heaven and Earth will be inside of me, the reflection of the blue eternally. My tears willl flow rivers reflection and I will remember thee. And I will be a woman who receives and holds thee. And I will be a man that shoots like a dream. And I will bring the star home to find love inside of thee. I will smoke the pipe and remember that I am God set free and the Great Spirits that lead us are here to set us free. They hold our hands, they give us guardians they lift us eternally. If we

could be royal blue servants to thee. My heart will remember the stars, the journey I was gifted just for me and I will be the Morning Star and I will set it free. And I will love always and I will sing my song and I will find my freedom when I can be One. The complete circle has come home and now I can be set free I can know my dream again and I can flow down steams. And rivers of shadows will come and I embrace thee where the green grass grows free again and golden blossoms will know Suns (the valleys of gardens where wild grass flows freely and when ripen the seeds turn golden to reach for the sunlight, and we become dreams and seeds and cycle of life begins again). And I will be the sky that is blue and I will be inside of you and I will know my relative and I will know my dream come true. I take my step (breath), I hear the beat (heart), I walk in dream along the stream (blue, reflection, relative, family, heart, tears) and blowing (winds of the soul family) rock rivers (crystalline shapes of perfection inside each of thee, along the river of flowing hearts) will lead my way. I'll sing songs that bring harmony and I shall be free knowing thee, where we can sing rainbows and we can be free. My red brothers (Twin Child Nation), my yellow children (Child Nation), my Mother (Black or Blue Mother Nation) I come home to thee. And Whiteys (Father Nation of all the Rainbow Colors, Blue, Red, Yellow. We always head North, "White Smoke" to Heaven, a living star that shines for the entire family, which lives inside each of thee. We are a mini universe of the galactic universe, the same story of God or Oneness.) from Heaven are coming home to thee. We embrace you we

love you. we shall be yours eternally. It took us a long time to come home, but I remember you're standing there right next to me. And I love you more than words can say. (Whitey talking to his family) And I pray each day with my pipe to know the way. And I come home and heaven shall be here free inside my family. And mother, child and twin come home to me. you are my relative that sets me free, my children my heart beat where did I go, I did not know you were my flow. Then now I come home you set me free, the rainbow in the sky is free and brotherhood will find the dreams in green grass we will flow. Our brothers sisters we will be and we will know love in you and me, and we shall smile to each others dream, and we shall know divinity. I walk the blue road, i walk the red road and yellow dreams shall set me free, my vision will walk the even way, and I shall be a child set free. A star, a Morning Star will arise inside of me and I will know my vision true, a warrior I will be. I respect my ancestors and I gift to my children. And the rocks and flowers are my relatives. And my animals and my treasures will be, the gifts I shall learn from, if I listen to thee. I shall float in the clouds of freedoms. I shall walk in the bubbles of steam, I will be the rivers of flowing and I will see mountains rise from thee. I will be mountaintop of snows fall. And I will be all that is free. A paradise where I dream, of heaven's warriors who fly across the seas. And upon the sky the doves will fly and swans will carry you free. And my dark warriors who find pureness again, you will lead us and we will know to be inside of thee. And Heaven come to me, I stand here Earth come home to me. I will be the heart beat that lands and sets me free. I'll walk across of the red road. I'll dream of blue

skys to be. And I will be the heart beat the flowing you and me. And trees will grow and leaves will blossoms and roots will hold you to me. And I shall be the law of love, the stock that holds us free. The cycle of eternal and the knowing of the sacred directions inside of me. And I shall be the smoke that that purifies and I shall set you free. I hold my brother in vision. I hold my Sister inside of me. And I shall be the horizon, that knows how to fly free. Golden robes will be on me and carpets will blanket thee. And we shall eternal flowing be the heart of you and me. And so I pick up this pipe I speak to you and I tell you, you are free. Be sacred and remember that I flow inside to thee. The circle comes and goes with time and I shall remember inside of me. My song will always sing the way when the pipe is here to stay. I shall lift the pipe and fill my heart inside it will burn sacred free. And I shall fly like smoke of wisps and I shall be free. And circles of hoops will come to me and flower and blossom. And they will be a flower free and I shall join the heavens and I shall be a galaxy. And a universe will be known in me and I shall be a star that flies free. And I will be the heart inside that beats the sacred free. And a warrior true I will be to you. I will be the perfect you will see, the perfect part of spirit that knows the perfect part of me.

"Stay tuned for next week Part 2, don't forget!"

Sacred Drum played and the Sound of the step, Red Road, by Holiness Running Eagle

Singing the heart of the reflection by white buffalo calf woman

Audio Holy Peace Vocals available as Soon as Webmaster can Contain the Files!


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